Proposed further temporary closure at Mair Bank and Marsden Bank, Marsden Point, Whangārei, to the harvest of all shellfish

Source: Ministry for Primary Industries

Have your say

The Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust Board, on behalf of the Patuharakeke hapū, has requested a further 2-year temporary closure to the harvest of all shellfish from Mair Bank and Marsden Bank, Marsden Point.

Fisheries New Zealand invites written submissions about the requested closure from people who have an interest in the species concerned or in the effects of fishing in the area concerned.

Section 186A of the Fisheries Act 1996 allows the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries to temporarily close an area, or temporarily restrict or prohibit the use of any fishing method in an area.

Find out more about temporary closures

Documents for the proposed closure

Request for the temporary closure [PDF, 647 KB]

Appendices to the request

Appendix A – Patuharakeke annual pipi monitoring update 2023 results [PDF, 2 MB]

Appendix B – Preliminary Results of Dragonfly data on Marsden Bank pipi February 2024 [PDF, 133 KB]

Appendix C – Ngātiwai Trust Board letter of support [PDF, 195 KB]

Appendix C –  Te Rerenga Parāoa Rohe Moana tangata kaitiaki [PDF, 250 KB]

Coordinates and map of the proposed area

The proposed temporary closure covers all that area of New Zealand fisheries waters enclosed by a line:

  • commencing at a point on the mean high-water mark at the base of the Marsden Point oil refinery jetty (at 35°50.24’S and 174°29.91’E); then
  • proceeding in a north-easterly direction to a point at the seaward end of the Marsden Point oil refinery jetty (at 35°50.21’S and 174°29.95’E); then
  • proceeding in a south-easterly direction to the Whangārei Harbour main channel port-hand buoy number 18 (at 35°50.32’S and 174°30.44’E); then
  • proceeding in a south-easterly direction to the Whangārei Harbour main channel port-hand buoy number 16 (at 35°50.54’S and 174°30.94’E); then
  • proceeding in a south-easterly direction to the Whangārei Harbour main channel port-hand buoy number 14 (at 35°50.76’S and 174°31.19’E); then
  • proceeding in a south-westerly direction to a point offshore (at 35°50.86’S and 174°30.50’E); then
  • proceeding due west to a point on the mean high-water mark (at 35°50.86’S and 174°29.65’E); then
  • proceeding along the mean high-water mark in a generally north-easterly then north-westerly direction to the point of commencement.

Map of the proposed Mair Bank and Marsden Bank temporary closure [PDF, 691 KB]

Making your submission

Submissions close at 5pm on Monday 27 May 2024.

Email your submission to

While we prefer email, you can post your submission to:

Fisheries Management – Spatial Planning and Allocations
Fisheries New Zealand
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140.

Public notices

A public notice about the call for submissions is scheduled to appear in the:

  • Whangarei Leader (10 April 2024)
  • Northern Advocate (10 April 2024)
  • Bream Bay News (18 April 2024).