Kiwis asked to have their say on new draft rules for using biometrics

Source: Privacy Commissioner

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has developed draft rules for the use of biometric technologies and is now asking what people think of those. Biometrics is the automated processing of physical and behavioural characteristics (face scans, fingerprint scans, voice recordings) that can be used to identify individuals or work out things about them. New Zealand doesnt currently have special rules for biometric technologies. Privacy Commissioner Michael Webster says, The Privacy Act 2020 regulates the use of personal information in New Zealand (and therefore biometrics), but we think biometrics need special protections especially in specific circumstances. Biometrics are fundamental to who a person is; theyre a very special type of personal information, says Mr Webster. Biometrics can be used to surveil and monitor large numbers of people or identify people on a watchlist and some of their uses are so highly intrusive that they shouldnt be used lightly.