Legislation – Consultation on the Fire and Emergency levy is now open

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Fire and Emergency New Zealand has today started public consultation on the proposed Fire and Emergency levy for the period 1 July 2026 – 30 June 2029.
Fire and Emergency, New Zealand’s trusted national fire authority and an emergency first responder for most communities, is funded almost entirely through levies on home, contents, non-residential and vehicle insurance policies.
New Zealanders have been funding their fire services through levies paid on insurance policies since the 1970s. We are now consulting on new levy arrangements and the activities we plan to undertake during the levy period.
We are seeking written submissions on our proposal from levy payers, insurance policy holders, their representatives and any members of the public who may be affected by, or have an interest in, the proposed changes to our levy or any changes to our services.
Our proposal includes a 5.2 percent increase in the overall levy amount to ensure we can continue to deliver the same services in the same way as we do now. We are also proposing to change how we apply the levy across the different and eligible insurance policy types. This is to improve equity and better reflect the incidents that we are responding to.
Feedback provided will inform the Government’s decisions on the final levies for 2026-2029.
The consultation closes on 17 May 2024 at 5pm.
About Fire and Emergency
Fire and Emergency is New Zealand’s trusted national fire authority and an emergency first responder.
We have more than 15,000 personnel (both volunteers and paid) in 643 brigades in communities across the country.
Our purpose is to protect and preserve lives, property and the environment.
We are directed by the Fire and Emergency Act (2017), which brought more than 40 fire services together into one national fire authority and emergency first response organisation.
The Act sets out our activities and how we are funded.
The Fire and Emergency Act states that we must:
– deliver fire safety, fire prevention and fire response activities
– respond to incidents involving hazardous substances
– rescue people trapped as a result of transport accidents or other incidents
– provide urban search and rescue.
We are the only fire authority in New Zealand. We set the fire standards, issue approvals and permits, and enforce compliance with those regulations and standards.
Our legislation says we can assist in other matters, if we have the capability and capacity to do so, but we must make sure that this isn’t at the expense of delivering our main functions.
We can assist with:
– responding to medical emergencies
– responding to maritime incidents
– performing other types of rescues
– providing assistance at transport accidents (for example, crash scene cordoning and traffic control), severe weather-related events, natural hazard events and disasters.
About the levy
The Fire and Emergency Act says we must be funded by a levy and that the levy should be stable, universal, equitable, predictable and flexible.
Almost all of our funding comes from this levy.
The amount of levy paid dep