Principals and teachers agree changes to NCEA timeline necessary

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)

Secondary principals and teachers welcome significant changes, announced by the Minister of Education today, to the timeline for implementation of new NCEA Levels 2 and 3 qualifications.

“Delaying the implementation of Levels 2 and 3 is a sensible move. Schools, and communities will rely on the certainty of the new timeframes.  “says Kate Gainsford, Chair of the Secondary Principals’ Council.

“Making sure curriculum development is ahead of the assessment changes is an important development.”

However, we also recognise that the delay will be a source of frustration for schools who have done a significant amount of work on subjects that were to be introduced for assessment at the new Level 2 next year. Nevertheless, NCEA remains a robust qualification and a better experience for students and teachers is on the way.”

Chris Abercrombie, president of PPTA Te Wehengarua, said secondary teachers were pleased the Education Minister had listened to teachers’ concerns about the need for the curriculum changes to be more aligned with the assessment changes and the significant impact of the implementation of the new NCEA Level 1 this year.

“This pause will give time to embed the changes to the teaching and learning programmes we need to ensure that the implementation of Level 1 is manageable and for learning from this to be part of the development and lead in for levels 2 and 3.”

“It is really important that now this decision has been made that the time is used effectively, so that when finally implemented the curriculum and assessments are aligned, and the support materials necessary are ready to go.”