Press release: No Māori initiatives in Government’s nothing plan

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Māori are yet to see anything from this Government except cuts, reversals and taking our people backwards, Māori Development spokesperson Willie Jackson said.

“The Government’s nothing plan released this week continues to have absolutely nothing in it for Māori,” Willie Jackson said.

“They have doubled down on repealing initiatives that are designed to take Māori forward and support Māori whanau – without consulting any iwi, hapu or communities about them first. 

“The only policy specifically about Māori in their latest list is to remove section 7AA from the Oranga Tamariki Act. This change was made after major controversy around the uplift of Māori children and was designed to reconnect children in state care with their whanau and whakapapa.

“The removal of this policy is not about the children but about the fact they are Māori.

“They’re also bringing back laws that disproportionally affect Māori, like the three strikes law and youth boot camps – the evidence shows neither of these actually work.

“It is yet another round of taking Māori backwards, cutting support and making bad decisions that will hurt our people.

“There is nothing for Māori communities and organisations to look forward to, or any positive change for them to get behind.

“Earlier this year we saw whanau come out in force to voice their concerns and anger over what this government is doing. Whether it was at the Kīngitanga hui, Ratana or at Waitangi, Māori communities have been clear that their rights must be honoured under the Treaty.  

“All the talk from Christopher Luxon that he will honour the Treaty simply does not add up when you look at his government’s actions, and listen to his Coalition partners.

“This Government cannot be trusted to support Māori interests and need to be called out for their lack of any plan to support Māori communities and take our people forward,” Willie Jackson said.

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