Greenpeace releases concerning nitrate contamination test results, announces new Canterbury water testing

Source: Greenpeace

Greenpeace Aotearoa is announcing it will run free drop-in water testing days in Darfield, Rangiora, and Culverden in April following recent test results indicating high levels of nitrate in some Cantabrians’ drinking water.
Greenpeace says that following the launch of its ‘ Know Your Nitrate’ map late last year, it received hundreds of requests for free mail-in drinking water testing. Of these, many were from Canterbury, and many came back with high nitrate levels.
Greenpeace spokesperson Amanda Larsson says, “Everyone has the right to access clean safe drinking water, but what we’ve seen over the past three years is that for many rural communities, access to healthy drinking water is being taken away.”
“We provide this free water testing to give rural communities the opportunity to know what’s in their drinking water,” says Larsson.
“All you need to bring is a sample of your tap water, and we can test it for nitrate while you wait. Run your kitchen tap for one minute and fill a clean container with 200 mls of water and bring it along.
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