Name Release: Unexplained death, Pigville Road, Tākaka

Source: New Zealand Police (District News)

Formal identification has now been completed for the man who was located deceased at his rural property on Pigville Road, Tākaka, Tuesday 12 March.

He was 40 year old Peter Michael Miller of Tākaka.

Police extend our sympathies to his family, who we remain in contact with. 

The death remains unexplained and enquiries into what occurred prior to Peters death are ongoing.

Statement from the family of Peter Miller:

We are devastated to have lost our brother, son, uncle and friend Peter.

His life had been wonderful and full of adventure, and there was so much more he had to offer his family and community.

Our family asks that we are left in peace to grieve our loss so please direct any queries to the Police.


Issued by Police Media Centre