Allow extra time on SH1 at Rangiriri

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

Road users should allow extra time as southbound delays of up to 30 minutes are already being experienced as we head into the weekend.

Resurfacing work on State Highway 1 at Rangiriri is on track for completion by Easter but people heading south during peak times are encouraged to consider using State Highway 2 and State Highway 27 to avoid delays.

A final chip-seal surface is being laid, along the 4.8km stretch of Waikato Expressway, completing the extensive remedial works that started last year.

The northbound lanes have been completed and both northbound lanes will be open to traffic from Friday, 22 March.

Chipsealing finished on the southbound lanes Wednesday and all ramps are now open. The southbound lanes now need traffic on them to bed in the chip, and will remain at single lane during  sweeping ahead of line-marking and opening to two lanes at 80km/h around Wednesday next week.

This weekend southbound traffic may encounter delays at peak times and some people may choose to use State Highway 2 and State Highway 27 to avoid any delays.

“To minimise damage to both the new surface and vehicles, you can’t open a newly sealed highway straight after sealing. We need traffic running slowly over the new surface to bed it in, then up to 3 days of sweeping to get the loose chips out of the way,” says Jo Wilton, Regional Manager of Infrastructure Delivery for the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi.

“Once the chip has bedded in, line-marking follows and finally all lanes are back in business.

“The temporary speed limits are important too, protecting the surface until it hardens and limiting the amount of flying chip which could cause damage to your vehicle and others travelling through the site.”

Ms Wilton thanked SH1 travellers and the local Rangiriri and Te Kauwhata communities for their patience during the work.

“We have been focused on getting this work completed by Easter so we hope everyone, including our contractors who have worked hard on this job, have a safe and enjoyable Easter break.”

This weekend:

Northbound: Both lanes open, 80km/h

Southbound: Single lane, new seal, 50km/h