Parliament Hansard Report – Obituaries — Rt Hon Jonathan Lucas Hunt ONZ – 001272

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Rt Hon Jonathan Lucas Hunt ONZ

SPEAKER: Members, I regret to inform the House of the death on 8 March 2024 of the Rt Hon Jonathan Lucas Hunt ONZ, who represented the electorate of New Lynn from 1966 to 1993 and continued to serve as a list member until 2005. He was the Speaker of the House of Representatives from 1999 until 2005. Before becoming Speaker, he held several ministerial portfolios, including Minister of Broadcasting, Postmaster-General, Minister of Tourism, and Minister of Communications. I desire, on behalf of this House, to express our sense of loss to his family along with our sympathy as they deal with the death of the late former member. I now ask members to stand with me to observe a period of silence as a mark of respect for his memory.

Members stood as a mark of respect.