Fire Safety – North Waikato moves to an open fire season

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

North Waikato will move from a restricted fire season to an open fire season from 9am on Tuesday 19 March, until further notice.
An open fire season means people can light outdoor fires without a permit approved by Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
Announcing the fire season change, District Manager Daryl Trim says the outdoor fire risk has eased in the areas covered by the new open season; Hamilton City, Waikato, Hauraki and Matamata-Piako.
“The risk has reduced but I do remind the public they are still responsible to ensure any fire they light is well controlled and safe,” he says.
“If you need any advice about this, please head to as this website has lots of useful information and ideas about outdoor fire use and safety.”
A restricted fire season still remains in place for the Coromandel, until further notice.