Universities – Emeritus Professor title to be conferred at Otago Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga Graduation

Source: Te Pukenga

Professor Leoni Schmidt is set to be conferred the title of Emeritus Professor, in recognition of her contribution to scholarship and leadership within Otago Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga and across the wider sector.
Prof Schmidt will receive the honour as part of Otago Polytechnic’s Graduation ceremonies at the Dunedin Town Hall on Friday 15 March.
“Leoni exemplifies all the criteria for an Emeritus Professor,” says Dr Megan Pōtiki, Executive Director, Otago Polytechnic.
“She has a national and international reputation as an academic leader, educator and researcher.
“Leoni’s commitment to her students is legendary; she was awarded an Ako Aotearoa National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award in 2011,” Dr Pōtiki says.
Jamie Smiler, Pounuku Rangahau | Director Rangahau and Research, Te Pūkenga: “It is fantastic to be able to acknowledge Leoni’s contribution to Otago Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga.
“It is a well-deserved recognition of her contribution to scholarship and leadership within Otago Polytechnic and across the wider sector.”
Prof Schmidt joined Otago Polytechnic’s Dunedin School of Art (DSA) in 1996 as a Lecturer in Art History and Theory. She was appointed Head of School for the DSA in 2009.
Otago Polytechnic approved a Professorial Appointments policy for the first time in July 2005. Prof Schmidt was appointed the first full professor later in 2005 and, for the next six years, was the only full professor at Otago Polytechnic.
Prof Schmidt says receiving the title is a “great honour”.
“Otago Polytechnic is a wonderful institution: vibrant, challenging, collegial, and innovative.”
“Our focus has always been the students and how we can extend and deepen the knowledge base we co-create with them.”
“Receiving Professor Emerita- status is a great honour, for which I thank the institution. I look forward to remaining connected to Otago Polytechnic, where I have worked for 26 happy years.”
[ NOTE: ‘Professor Emerita’ is the female version of the title, and how Prof Schmidt wishes to refer to herself. The more widely recognised ‘Emeritus’, although the male version, has been used in the original citation for Prof Schmidt and other materials; hence it is largely used in this article to maintain consistency.]