Fire Safety – Parts of Canterbury move to a restricted fire season

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

The Canterbury plains and coastal fire zones will move from a prohibited to a restricted fire season from 0800 hours on Friday 15 March, until further notice.
A restricted season means you need a permit approved by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to light an outdoor fire.
The rest of Canterbury including the hills and high country, the Port Hills, Banks Peninsular and Christchurch city remain in a prohibited fire season, which means no outdoor fires are allowed.
Announcing the fire season change, District Commander Dave Stackhouse says all applications for fire permits in the restricted zones will be assessed, and not necessarily approved.
“All permits that are issued will have strict conditions placed on them along with a majority requiring a site visit from Fire and Emergency before approval can be granted,” Dave Stackhouse says.
“We understand farmers on the plains need to carry out burn offs as part of their land management, but we urge people to take extra care as the fire danger is still high.”
Some fire types are allowed without a permit but under conditions. These include gas barbecues, hāngī, umu or lovo and drum incinerators – but with a lid.