Ian Axford Fellowship webinar with Rachel Levinson-Waldman

Source: Privacy Commissioner

Webinar detailsDate Monday 25 March
Time 2. 30-3. 30pm

Register now using the Zoom link to be reminded. Join Michael Webster, Privacy Commissioner, Rachel Levinson-Waldman, Ian Axford Fellow, and Liz MacPherson, Deputy Privacy Commissioner in conversation. Rachel is hosted at the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) as an Ian Axford Fellow where she is working in the realm of privacy, social media, and artificial intelligence. Rachels area of focus has been state use of surveillance programmes and tools like license plate readers, cell phone trackers and social media technologies. At home in the United States shes the managing director of the Brennan Center’s Liberty & National Security Program. To prepare for this session you might like to read some of Rachel’s work.