The First 100 Days

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The National Government has spent its first 100 days stopping, cutting and reversing. They have scrapped stuff for stuff for the sake of it, without putting up any solutions of their own – and it’s hardworking New Zealanders who will pay for it.

  • Putting more kids in poverty with benefit changes
  • Stopping successful climate programmes
  • Pausing school property upgrades
  • Cutting the minimum wage in real terms
  • Scrapping Fair Pay Agreements
  • Pushing through the divisive Treaty Principles Bill
  • Bringing back 90 day trials
  • Scrapping the Māori Health Authority
  • Reversing smokefree laws
  • Stopping Affordable Water Reforms
  • And more…

Making life more affordable. Growing a strong economy. Creating well paid jobs. Building up health, housing and education. Keeping communities safe. Tackling climate change.

  • Introduced the Families Package, the largest boost in household income in a decade for thousands of families
  • Set a zero carbon emissions goal and began setting up the independent Climate Commission
  • Introduced Healthy Homes Standards, to ensure all rentals are warm and dry
  • Extended Paid Parental Leave
  • Introduced changes to employment law to bring fairness back to the workplace
  • Set New Zealand on a path to reduce child poverty
  • Stopped overseas speculators from buying existing houses and driving up prices
  • Increased the minimum wage, benefiting around 164,000 workers and their families
  • Stopped the sell-off of state houses
  • And lots more.

We will continue to stand up for New Zealanders while Christopher Luxon and his government push cuts that will make life harder for people across the country.