Government transport plan fails to provide economic security

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand

The Maritime Union says the new Draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport 2024–2034 fails to plan for a resilient and secure transport system, putting the New Zealand economy at risk.

The previous Government introduced coastal shipping as a new activity class in its GPS on land transport in 2021.

It invested $30 million in the coastal shipping sector which resulted in new vessels coming onto the New Zealand coast, reducing road congestion, improving resilience, and reducing carbon emissions.

This progress has now ground to a halt, with coastal shipping ignored in the new Draft GPS on Land Transport 2024.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says for the Government to simply leave out coastal shipping is a failure of insight into the long term needs of the transport sector.

Mr Harrison says the lessons of the last few years are obvious.

“We have seen major disruption to New Zealand transport links through the pandemic and natural disasters including cyclones and earthquakes, with regions left isolated and at risk.”

Mr Harrison says New Zealand needs a balanced, multi-modal system that prioritises redundancy and resilience in transport.

“This new draft document notes New Zealand has faced significant challenges from these events, but then ignores the important role of domestic coastal shipping that is now recognised in the industry.”

Mr Harrison says the Government seems to be basing its transport strategy on delivering for its donors, rather than any rational and balanced approach.

“As the rest of the world moves towards low emission, resilient transport modes, and prepares for climate change driven extreme weather events, New Zealand is left exposed and vulnerable.”

He says with the Cook Strait ferry connection in limbo, coastal shipping ignored, and a crisis in seafarer training, New Zealand is moving towards developing world status.

“The Government now has an opportunity to correct course and focus on the future resilience of New Zealand’s economy – or go in reverse gear by promoting a congested, polluted and vulnerable transport system.”