Metropolitan (metro)

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Transport

Metropolitan rail operating model

Planning, specifying and purchasing metro rail services

The Auckland and Wellington regions are responsible for planning, specifying and purchasing metro rail services.

Ownership of metro rail rolling stock and stations

The regions own the metro rail rolling stock and stations, with a few exceptions. The maintenance and stabling of the rolling stock is a regional responsibility.

Provision of rail network infrastructure

KiwiRail is responsible for providing rail network infrastructure such as track, overhead power supply, signals and platforms.

Contractual arrangements relating to access to the rail network and use

Contractual arrangements are agreed between KiwiRail and the regions relating to access to the rail network and use. The access agreements include track access charges and conditions of access. The track access charges provide funds for the operation and maintenance and renewal of the rail network infrastructure.

Funding of metro rail operating costs

Metro rail services are funded from fares, and subsidies from the regions and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.

Auckland metro rail

Rail plans an important part in Auckland’s transport system. In 2019, metro services carried more than 22 million passengers. Over the past decade, significant investment in the metro rail network has seen a 180% increase in passengers.

Auckland Transport (AT) is responsible for planning, funding and contracting Auckland’s public transport. Transdev currently operates the Auckland passenger rail network on behalf of AT.

Auckland Transport(external link)

Transdev Auckland(external link)

Wellington metro rail

The Wellington metropolitan network has also grown over the past decade. Between June 2008 and June 2019, rail use grew from 11.8 million trips to more than 14.3 million. The metro trains are part of Metlink, which is operated by the Greater Wellington Regional Council. Transdev currently operates the Wellington metro trains on behalf of Metlink and the council.

Greater Wellington Regional Council(external link)

Transdev Wellington(external link)