Health – Te Whatu Ora fails to pay doctors – union calls for ministerial intervention

Source: Association of Salaried Medical Specialists

Te Whatu Ora is failing to meet its contractual obligations to pay its senior doctors correctly and the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists – Toi Mata Hauora is calling on Minister of Health Dr. Shane Reti to step in to fix ongoing payroll issues.
It has been three months since senior doctors and dentists settled pay negotiations with Te Whatu Ora last year, but most senior doctors and dentists have still not received agreed pay increases.
“Te Whatu Ora has told us that doctors and dentists in some districts will not be paid until June. That is more than six months late and we have little confidence based on current performance that Te Whatu Ora can even achieve that,” ASMS Executive Director Sarah Dalton said.
“Doctors settled on a modest cost of living increase, only to have it withheld by their employer. This is a poor way to show staff they are valued.
“The term of our current collective agreement is one year. At this rate we will be starting to negotiate the next collective before the employer has met their current obligations.
“Minister Shane Reti says the health care system is in crisis and workforce retention is a key priority. Making sure senior doctors and dentists are paid what they are owed, on time, is a critical first step to retain our medical workforce.
“It is Te Whatu Ora’s responsibility to make sure it has sufficient staff and systems in place to process payroll changes promptly, and to pay all health workers correctly and on time.”
The terms of settlement contain three main salary components:
– The first salary component is a 3% plus $4000 adjustment to all salary rates nominally to take effect on 4 September 2023.
– The second component is a $3,500 lump sum paid to all members irrespective of whether you are part-time or full-time. 
– The third component takes effect on 1 January 2024 consisting of an adjustment to all specialist steps of an average of $8,142 (minimum $5,900) and an average of $6,631 to all medical/dental officer steps (minimum $5,250).