Save the Children expands programming for vulnerable children with new Country Office in Brazil

Source: Save The Children

RIO DE JANEIRO, 28 February 2024 — International child rights organisation Save the Children is opening a new Country Office in Brazil, working with local partners to place children’s rights at the forefront of the national agenda and improve the lives of those impacted by violence, poverty, and climate change.

The new Save the Children Brazil Country Office will build upon the work Save the Children has already supported in Brazil for more than 20 years, while continuing to collaborate closely with local organisations to leverage local expertise and implement locally based solutions for children. Save the Children’s work will, in particular, prioritise critical issues such as migration, education, the climate crisis, food security, gender and racial equality and protection.

Alessandro Tuzza, Save the Children’s Country Director for Brazil, said:

Establishing this office marks an exciting new chapter for our work in Latin America and the Caribbean. Save the Children has supported local organisations in Brazil for more than 20 years. This new office will allow us to scale up our collaboration with local partners and our advocacy efforts.

Brazil, while ranking as the seventh most populous country globally, unfortunately also ranks among the most violent places for children to grow up. Millions of children here are facing poverty and violence, are out of school, and live in areas vulnerable to climate and environmental risks. By collaborating with local partners, government, and communities, we aim to shift the power to those with first-hand experience and insight into their communities. Together, we can build a more resilient environment for children, ensuring they can thrive and reach their full potential.”

Children in Brazil are growing up amid high levels of poverty and violence, limiting their access to crucial services such as healthcare, education, and protection, with the country ranked as the sixth most violent globally, according to recent data from ACLED.

Adding to these challenges, the climate crisis is also taking a toll on children in Brazil. About three in four children across the country – a staggering 40 million children[1] – have been found to be vulnerable to environmental degradation and climate change.

Save the Children has been working with local partners in Brazil since the 1990s to help promote and defend children’s rights. By enhancing its local presence in Brazil, Save the Children aims to provide even greater support to its existing partners while forging new alliances to address the evolving challenges faced by children in the country.

Marina Araújo, from Save the Children’s local partner Cedeca Ceará, said:

“In recent years, Brazil has experienced a very serious social, economic, and political context marked by a rise in poverty, violence, and hate speech.

“The scrapping and underfunding of public social welfare programs, as well constraints on civil society’s ability to participate in democratic processes are both contributing to a concerning situation for children’s rights across the country. Given this, Save the Children’s work to guarantee the absolute priority of the rights of children and defend their rights is essential.”

As Brazil gears up to host both the G20 Summit this year and COP30 in 2025, Save the Children Brazil is calling on world leaders to ensure children have a seat at the table when making decisions that affect them. The child rights organisation is committed to amplifying children’s voices, particularly those from marginalized communities, and supporting them to actively participate in shaping solutions and influencing decisions made by both global and local leaders.

Save the Children is present in more than 120 countries, working every day to guarantee children’s rights to health, education, and protection against violence, to ensure that children have a better future. We ensure that their needs are met and that their voices are heard. 


Notes to editor:

[1] UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell visits Brazil to highlight the impact of poverty and climate change on children


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