First Responders – Waikari Fire Update #6

Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Three crews of firefighters are working on the Waikari fireground today, digging out hotspots that were identified by Fire and Emergency’s drone team last night.
Incident Commander Des Irving says the thermal imaging survey pinpointed a large number of hotspots that would have been time consuming to find on the ground.
He will be meeting the landowners today to discuss progress with extinguishing the fire.
The investigation into the cause of the fire is continuing.
Des Irving says that the weather is forecast to be hot and dry into the weekend so he is urging everyone to remember that Canterbury is in a prohibited fire season and outdoor fires are banned. People are asked to take extra care with any activity that could start a fire, including hot works like grinding and welding, as well as mowing.
Anyone seeing smoke should call 111 straight away.