Release: Barbara Edmonds to take on finance role

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

Mana MP Barbara Edmonds will take over the Finance portfolio following Grant Robertson’s retirement, Labour Leader Chris Hipkins announced today.

“Barb has a background as a specialist tax lawyer and is a formidable Parliamentarian with experience across nine portfolios as Minister, and several more as an advisor in a Ministerial office,” Chris Hipkins said.

“She’s held the Ministerial portfolios of Associate Finance, Revenue, Economic Development, Internal Affairs, Pacific Peoples, Associate Health, Associate Housing, Associate Immigration and Associate Cyclone Recovery. Barb is not only incredibly clever with a broad knowledge-base, she also has the interpersonal skills to work with people from every background across all sectors.

“She will be a fantastic Finance Spokesperson and I’m looking forward to working closely with her in this role.

“As this Coalition Government shows more and more that it is very big on repealing and very short on practical solutions and ideas, it’s important we have the right people in the right portfolios.

“I have asked Ginny Andersen to pick up the Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations portfolio and Peeni Henare to take on the Māori Crown Relations portfolio following Kelvin Davis’ departure from politics.

“Shanan Halbert will take over Auckland Issues and a newly created Rainbow Issues portfolio. 

“Tracey McLellan will pick up the Corrections portfolio, as well as Associate Health; and Glen Bennett rejoins the team as Labour’s spokesperson for Economic Development and Associate Energy.

“Land Information and Racing will be picked up by Damien O’Connor and Tangi Utikere respectively.

“It is clear the Government is scratching around for someone to blame as reality sets in that the promises they made during the campaign are not deliverable. This is the Labour line up that will hold them to account on those promises,” Chris Hipkins said.

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