Providers showcase different approaches to learner success

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Both organisations presented on their learner-centric systems at a Learner Success Capability Session in late 2023. Learner-centric systems are a key capability that a tertiary education provider needs to get right to enable learners to succeed, whatever that looks like for each learner.
Download a PDF of the Ōritetanga Learner Success approaches: 7 key areas of capability diagram (PDF 335 KB)
We are pleased to share recordings of their presentations.
An informative session on Te Ata Hāpara, and its approach to student support and pastoral care with a focus on higher needs students. The presentation covers the data behind how Te Ata Hāpara identifies risk of not completing courses and how they support these students.
Discusses their new student success support programme, Tītoko, which helps students across the university, including study advice, student administration, support services and student life in general. This presentation takes a deep dive into why the programme was set up, the data supporting change to happen, the approach required for real change and the mechanisms behind how the programme works.
Capability session attendees ask Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington questions about their approaches.
To view recordings of previous sessions, visit YouTube | Tertiary Education Commission | 7 learner success capabilities.
Learner Success Capability Session series
The Tertiary Education Commission will continue to host Learner Success Capability Sessions in 2024 alongside the sector. These sessions aim to bring together tertiary providers in the spirit of learning, knowledge sharing and collaboration, and to enhance individual, group and organisational development.