Energy News – Govt calls for energy sector support at BEC Breakfast

Source: BusinessNZ

The Government plans to fast-track consenting for energy projects, and has asked the sector for public support in 2024.
Minister for energy and transport Simeon Brown outlined his priorities to energy sector representatives during the BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) breakfast event, sponsored by Meridian.
He said the Government wants a maximum 12-month consenting process for solar, wind and geothermal projects through changes to the Resource Management Act, and is working on a fast-track which would in effect create a “one stop shop” for consenting.
Speaking to policy changes Brown said “We want to ensure that it enables the industry to get the decisions made, that are needed”.
“We need your support publicly, but also your help to ensure that piece of legislation is the best possible piece of legislation it can be.”
Other priorities outlined this morning include; Promoting fuel diversity where gas will play a role in transition, exploring carbon capture utilisation and storage, as well as facilitating investment in hydrogen and offshore wind. 
Brown also reiterated the focus on electrifying New Zealand – the details of which he said would be revealed soon.
BEC Executive Director Tina Schirr said the annual breakfast with the Minister was an opportunity to gauge how well aligned the sector and government’s priorities were, and to have direct conversation between public and private sectors.
“Highlights for the sector include the Minister’s endorsement of the energy sector framework and indicating he is eager to implement it quickly.
“It’s also a good sign to hear the Government is committed to developing an energy strategy that is practical, and not just a theoretical document.
“BEC looks forward to working with the Minster and supporting policy which promotes positive outcomes for the energy sector, over the next few years.”