Release: Education resource changes will harm young people

Source: New Zealand Labour Party

The Government’s intention to remove sexual education resources and guidelines for schools and kura will be a damaging step backwards for many young people, says Labour Education spokesperson Jan Tinetti.

“These resources were created to answer the call of teachers and communities for more action against bullying, violence and child abuse. Taking the axe to them will be incredibly damaging for years to come,” Labour education spokesperson Jan Tinetti said.

“The changes will discourage meaningful and respectful conversations around sexuality, consent and gender. As they stand, the guidelines are recommended by schools, teachers and experts, and have been well-received as helpful tools when it comes to talking about digital safety, and healthy relationships.

“I know I am not alone when I share my hope for our schools to be inclusive and safe places for all our students whatever their gender, race, nationality, beliefs, or sexual orientation.

“Students who are happy and confident learn better. Taking away resources that help children to learn about healthy relationships will cause harm to communities, not just now but into the future.

“Labour took great strides to remove barriers so that all children could feel safe and learn well at school, including the lunches in schools programme, removing school donations, and making period products available for those who need them. The Government has not been clear about what will happen to any of these important projects,” Jan Tinetti said.

A petition to protect sexual education guidelines in schools is available to sign here.