Looking into Auckland Council’s representation

Source: Auckland Council

  • Are your views well represented in decision-making at Auckland Council? 
  • Is our current governance model the most efficient and effective, or could we do things better? 

These are the questions Auckland Council is considering through the Representation Project, by reviewing representation arrangements and how local boards are organised. 

A ‘representation review’ to consider how well we are all represented in decision-making must happen every six years. But this year, our review is happening alongside a look into how local boards are structured as well.   

The representation review looks at:  

  • how many councillors and local board members we have
  • how they are elected 
  • ward and board boundaries, names and the number of representatives in each area

The local board reorganisation will look at: 

  • the optimal number of local boards, particularly given Auckland’s growth since 2010 when the council was set up 
  • the range and scope of their decision-making 
  • how local boards can be funded to get more done for their communities

That means decisions will soon be made on whether change may improve the effectiveness and efficiency of regional and local decision-making through a simpler governance model.   

Fewer local boards that are more empowered may be better resourced to make important local decisions on behalf of their communities. This will be explored in detail as part of the reorganisation project.  

The Governing Body has established a Joint Governance Working Party (JGWP) to investigate options – such as combining boards that share the same ward boundaries to reduce duplication and increase responsiveness, or confirming the existing arrangements are right for Aucklanders. 

JGWP Chair Cr Julie Fairey says early engagement with key internal and external stakeholders will provide a greater understanding of what we can expect from the impacts of any potential change. 

“At this point in the process, we are seeking feedback from elected members, iwi, advisory panels, community organisations and the wider Auckland Council whānau.  We want to understand what changes, small or large, could create the opportunity for better decision-making for Auckland – locally and regionally,” Cr Fairey says. 

Following early engagement, the JGWP will then make recommendations to the Governing Body.

Public feedback is an essential part of the process – but the Governing Body must first decide two things in May.

Representation review

Local board reorganisation plan


As a representation review is something the council must do, Aucklanders will be asked to have their say on the proposal in June and July 2024. If a change to local boards is considered worthwhile, council will also be asking Aucklanders for their views on proposed local board changes at the same time.

The Governing Body will consider feedback – from local boards, Auckland Council whānau, the public and Joint Governance Working Party – before making its decision on representation arrangements and a reorganisation plan in September.  

This will allow time for the Local Government Commission to review and approve changes, and then for these changes to be made in time for our next local body election in October 2025. 

Did you know…?
  • The Joint Governance Working Party includes six councillors, an Independent Māori Statutory Board representative and six members appointed by local boards. They are Cr Julie Fairey, Cr Andrew Baker, Cr Shane Henderson, Cr Kerrin Leoni, Cr Daniel Newman, Cr John Watson, IMSB chair David Taipari, Cath Handley, Brent Catchpole, Angela Fulljames, John Gillon, Richard Northey and Kay Thomas. 
  • Our Governing Body currently includes a mayor and 20 councillors, who are elected to stand for their communities in 13 wards across the region. 
  • Each of Auckland’s 21 local boards has between five to nine members elected to represent their geographic area, resulting in 149 members across the region.
  • This means there are 170 elected members in the region.·