Politics – Energy Resources Aotearoa welcomes comments from Ministers Jones and Brown

Source: Energy Resources Aotearoa

Energy Resources Aotearoa applauds Minister of Resources Shane Jones and Minister of Energy Simeon Brown’s ambition to build a “flourishing and growing energy and resources sector.”
At a breakfast hosted by Chief Executive John Carnegie and attended by leaders from across the energy sector both minsters outlined how they will work together to achieve this including doubling renewable electricity generation by 2050.
Mr Carnegie welcomes the return of the more pragmatic policies and approach.
“The abandonment of the Lake Onslow project and the 100% renewable electricity target show this Government is focused on achievable solutions to keeping the lights on and this change is welcomed by ERA members and the sector more broadly. We look forward to working with Minister to ensure kiwis can access affordable, reliable, and low-emission energy.”
Mr Carnegie also signaled that the removal of the ban on new offshore gas fields and the revisiting of decommissioning legislation are actions that will restore investor confidence in the sector.
Speaking to attendees, Mr Jones highlighted the proposed fast track resource consent process bill due to be introduced with the first 100 days of government as an enabling piece of legislation.
“This is the single biggest adjustment in the last 30 or 40 years. We were living in a system where investors were starting to give up. We campaigned on turning that around and we will. Permits will be granted by politicians,” Mr Jones told attendees.
Minister Brown also outlined his three top priorities for the energy system as keeping the lights on, doubling renewable electricity by 2050, and getting the regulatory framework in the transport sector right to maximise private sector investment in the EV charging network.