Road widening on SH3 ahead of flexible median barrier installation

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

A stretch of State Highway 3 north of Bulls will be reduced to one lane for three weeks while work is carried out to widen the road.

From Monday (12 February 2024), SH3 between the intersections of Union Line and Williamsons Line will be reduced to one lane under Stop/Go traffic management from 7am-6pm Monday to Friday.

Overnight and on weekends the road will be open to two lanes of traffic.

The work to widen this section of road is needed to make room for the installation of flexible median barrier as part of the Whanganui to Bulls safety improvements.(external link)

The one lane is expected to be in place until 1 March.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi is reminding road users to plan your journey, and expect delays of up to 5 minutes.

Following this work, further road widening will take place along other sections of the road. It is expected that both lanes of the road will remain open during this work. We will provide an update prior to this work taking place.