Stop/go traffic management at Utiku as crews build back the road

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

As work continues to build back a stretch of State Highway 1 at Utiku, between Mangaweka and Taihape, round the clock stop/go traffic management will come into effect from tomorrow (Thursday 8 February).

People travelling through Utiku can expect delays of around 20 minutes from Thursday through to Sunday 25 February.

Contractors are building back a section of road by excavating up to 4 metres and replacing it with aggregate and geogrid stabilisation matting.

So far contractors have been able to maintain two lane access, however, at the narrower sections of the road, this will need to be reduced to a single lane to allow for the work.

The one lane closure point will move as the crew moves, and will be controlled by traffic lights. The closure of one lane has been timed to come after the series of long weekends and it’s expected the road will reopen before Easter.

Please respect our crews while travelling through the roadworks site. Crews are there to make everyone’s journey safer while traffic management is in place. If crews are being threatened and abused, we have to stop work in order to keep them safe – which means the job takes longer to complete, with more delays for drivers.

When you’re out on the road, make safe choices to protect yourself and others and please keep our roading crews safe. Drive to the speed limit, make sure you’re rested, and plan ahead.

Roadworks 101 – keeping everyone safe around roadworks(external link)