Auckland Transport flood recovery – one year on

Source: Auckland Council

One year after the Auckland Anniversary weekend extensive flooding caused damage to our transport network and supporting infrastructure, Auckland Transport (AT) continues to work through a flood repair programme to resolve more than 2000 issues reported across the region. 

Murray Burt, AT Director Infrastructure and Place, says they have made some good progress on fixing over 75 per cent of these sites, but there’s a lot left to do.  

Major repairs have been completed on several roads including Tahekeroa Road (Rodney) where a slip fell across the main trunk railway line, Glenvar Road (Torbay), four sites on Paremoremo Road, Krippner Road (Puhoi), Moir Hill Road (Warkworth) and Ridge Road (Lucas Heights).  

One year on, 1200 small and 383 major slips have been repaired, and it will take another 18 months to two years to complete the full flood recovery programme.  

“About 430 road repairs are still needed across Auckland, some of which are very complex, and it won’t be until the end of 2025 before most of these are complete. We’re doing our best to minimise disruption and we do appreciate the patience of those affected,” says Murray. 

“We also want to reassure Aucklanders that we are taking steps to improve the resilience of our transport infrastructure. Though our flood repair programme is focused on recovery, we are taking the opportunity to build back better where we can. For instance, Glenvar Rd on the North Shore required an extensive rebuild, and now has improved pedestrian safety and a much stronger road foundation that will allow it to last into the future.” 

There are currently eight local roads with full closures in place – 29 are open to single lane, two roads are open with restrictions and six roads are open to residents only. As at mid-January, construction works were underway at 34 locations across Auckland. 

AT extends an enormous thank you to its flood recovery teams and contractors for their efforts to date, and to Auckland communities for their patience. 

For more information visit Long term road repairs from Auckland storms (