Workers Rights – Strippers’ Rights Group Pushes Parliament Petition – Fired Up Stilettos

Source: Fired Up Stilettos
Strippers rights group Fired Up Stilettos are set to protest parliament again on Thursday after submitting the supporting document to their recent petition. The groups petition to parliament to improve strippers working conditions nationwide gained over 7000 signatures in June last year. On Wednesday 31st January Fired Up Stilettos will be submitting the supporting document to defend this petition, with the hope that it will be progressed to the select committee. The submission of this document marks one year since 19 strippers were fired from Calendar Girls for attempting to negotiate their contract. 

The submission of this document will be followed by a ‘protest picnic’ on parliament lawn between 12-2 on Thursday 1st February, a sitting day for parliament. “We know that public interest is a factor in what the government chooses to take action on. We need our wider community to support us as we continue pushing for safe, fair, healthy workplaces for the stripper community” says Cleo, a spokesperson of Fired Up Stilettos. 
MPs have also been invited to attend the event, which takes place halfway through a sitting day of parliament. “Government has changed a lot since we started our movement and submitted our petition. We hope to develop positive relationships with the new ministers. This isn’t really a partisan political issue, it’s about health and safety at the end of the day” states FUS spokesperson Margot Embargot.