Proposed measures to manage phytoplasmas on ornamental plants for planting – Importation of Nursery Stock (155.02.06)

Source: Ministry for Primary Industries

Background to this consultation

We are seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Importation of Nursery Stock (155.02.06) standard to manage the risk of phytoplasmas on imported ornamental plants for planting (nursery stock). Phytoplasmas can cause disease in many plant species, so they are a pest of concern to New Zealand.

Our consultation document explains how the proposed changes manage the risk of phytoplasmas and asks for feedback on these proposed changes. After we have received all your feedback and finalised the changes, we will send out a draft of the amended import health standard for you to read and give feedback on again.

Have your say

From 30 January to 12 March 2024, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) invites comments on the proposed measures and subsequent changes to the import health standard.

Full details of the proposed changes are in the consultation document.

We are particularly interested in feedback on the following questions:

  1. Are our proposed measures feasible? If not, why and which other measures would you propose?
  2. Do you foresee any consequences of these measures that we have not addressed in this proposal? If so, which ones?
  3. Is there a risk we have not considered? If so, which one? Provide scientific evidence to support your answer so we can review it.
  4. Is there any other information you think we should consider before we draft the changes to the standard?

Consultation document

 Proposed measures to manage phytoplasmas on ornamental plants for planting – Importation of Nursery Stock IHS (155.02.06) [PDF, 770 KB]

Making your submission

Email your feedback on the draft by 5pm on 12 March 2024 to

Make sure you include in your submission:

  • the title of the consultation document in the subject line of your email
  • your name and title (if applicable)
  • your organisation’s name (if you’re submitting on behalf of an organisation)
  • your contact details (for example, phone number, address, and email).

While we prefer email, you can send your submission by post to:

Plant Germplasm Imports
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140
New Zealand.

All submissions received by the closing date will be considered before the amended import health standard (IHS) is drafted. MPI may hold late submissions on file for consideration when the issued IHS is next revised or reviewed.

Next steps

After we have considered all submissions, we will draft the IHS and open a second consultation so you can provide your feedback again before we publish it.   

Find out more about the process of developing an IHS

Legal background

MPI must consult with interested parties in accordance with section 23 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 (the Act) and MPI’s consultation policy before issuing or amending (other than of minor or urgent nature) import health standards (IHS) under sections 24A and 24B of the Act.

An IHS specifies import requirements that must be met either in the country of origin or of export, or during transit, before biosecurity clearance can be given for the goods to enter New Zealand. MPI must ensure that these requirements are technically justified and provide an appropriate level of biosecurity protection.

Find out more

Steps to importing nursery stock