Update on Financial Support for Displaced Homeowners

Source: Auckland Council

On 22 December 2023, the Government announced that Temporary Accommodation Assistance from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) will be extended to more New Zealanders displaced from their homes due to the severe weather events.

The changes will mean Work and Income has more discretion for granting payments in cases of exceptional circumstances. Examples could include homes that do not have red or yellow placards, but councils acknowledge that they aren’t safe to live in, or people who could not get insurance cover for their houses due to damage caused by earlier weather events.

“I’m pleased the government has acknowledged that some homeowners have slipped through the cracks and deserve more support,” says Mat Tucker, Group Recovery Manager.

Currently, the eligible criteria targets homeowners facing significant hardship with two sets of unavoidable accommodation costs. Visit the Work and Income website for more information, including how to apply.

Greater discretion for complex home ownership structures for (example, properties owned by trusts) is being investigated by MSD but will take longer to address.

Full details of the changes to Temporary Accommodation Assistance are still being worked through, and further information will be available on the Work and Income website in February 2024.

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