Protect your whānau from flooding

Source: Auckland Council

Are you and your whānau prepared for flooding?

Auckland Council’s Be Prepared campaign launches this week advising Aucklanders that their homes, whānau and businesses could be affected by heavy rain and storms even if they haven’t seen flood waters near their properties before.

With the changing climate, we’re seeing more extreme weather events in Tāmaki Makaurau. This year, a strong El Niño weather pattern will bring us more variable rainfall this summer than previous El Niño seasons, including the likelihood of intense rainfall and possibly severe storms.

To help people know their flood risk, the council has added a series of videos and guides  to the Be Prepared page on Flood Viewer, a free, easy to use site accessible on phone, tablet or computer. Flood Viewer features an interactive map showing flood risk data for the whole region as well as practical advice on how to prepare for floods.

Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters Head of Planning, Nick Vigar says it’s essential people are prepared for the possibility of floods and understand their flood risks.

“We see people using our Flood Viewer not just to understand their home’s flood risk, but also to make informed decisions when looking at somewhere new to buy or rent.”

“Auckland Council has made increasing community resilience to floods a priority, and part of this is giving people the tools to make smart decisions to prepare themselves and their homes.”

The Be Prepared page on Flood Viewer has a selection of useful information and resources about what to do before, during, and after a storm.

This includes how to make an emergency plan, preparing your home for the possibility of flooding, how to stay safe during a flood, and the actions you can take to protect your home or business from flooding. It also explains your responsibilities if you have a stream or creek on or near your property.

Types of flooding

The Flood Viewer map can help identify whether you should be aware of types of flooding in or around your property – or potential home.

Flood plains

  • Areas predicted to be covered by flood water during heavy rain.

Flood prone areas

  • Low-lying areas where water can become trapped and collect during heavy rain, especially if the stormwater outlet is blocked or reaches capacity.

Overland flow paths

  • The route water will naturally take across the ground during heavy rain when the stormwater network is at capacity, or where there is no stormwater network.

Coastal inundation

  • Coastal areas predicted to be covered by sea water during large storms.

Check Flood Viewer to see if your home is at risk and protect your whānau from flooding today.