Business News – Māori entrepreneurship wānanga returns for 2024

Source: Tapuwae Roa

Continuing in its move to stoke the number of Māori startups in Aotearoa, Tapuwae Roa has announced today a new series of online and regional wānanga to its 2024 Rakahinonga Roadshow.
Facilitated by expert business mentor Saara Tawha (Ramaroa Ltd) and Amy Mclean (Te Kāinga Wāhine), the interactive one-day wānanga hopes to ignite Māori rakahinonga (entrepreneurship) and provide participants with key tools and skills to progress their business ideas into reality.
“In our November roadshows we saw the hunger in our communities to forge their own futures in business. These are designed to introduce aspiring Māori entrepreneurs to tools and resources to help bring those aspirations into reality,” says Te Pūoho Kātene, Kaihautū or Tapuwae Roa.
“Distance is still a barrier to many of our people: hosting a roadshow online allows us to cast the net wider into our communities.”
Through the initiative, Tapuwae Roa aims to help remove some of the barriers Māori experience when entering the entrepreneurial ecosystem and increase economic resilience within whānau Māori.
“Tāwhiao said “nāku anō te hanga o tōku nei whare” – by my own hands will my house be built. Entrepreneurship is a pathway to give our people economic self-determination, building resilient and prosperous Māori communities on our own terms.”
The roadshow will run across February and March with wānanga held in Gisborne, Ōtaki, and online.