7 ways we’re protecting children in crisis in 2024 

Source: Save The Children

It’s the people nearest who can get there fastest – and who know best, too. So, we depend on the expertise of local and national organisations to provide essential support to children.

This includes things such as protecting children’s rights, getting them back to learning as soon as possible, and giving them a sense of normality when disaster strikes.

This also includes working with local doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to provide life-saving treatment for children suffering from deadly conditions, such as severe acute malnutrition and cholera.

We work side by side with local experts, professionals and organisations, supporting where needed. We make sure they’re actively involved in designing and implementing a response, and that they have the funds and supplies they need to support children and their families.  

With their expertise and access and our guidance and resources, together, we understand the needs and strengths of a community, long before during and after a disaster strikes.