Tree protection sought as routes chosen

Source: Auckland Council

Landmarks and notable trees should be protected in any work necessary to deliver the South Frequent Transport Network, says Papakura Local Board. 

Auckland Transport has issued Notices of Requirement ahead of planning, to designate land for route protection between Manukau and Drury, some of it in the board’s area. 

“One of the notices is around upgrades to Porchester Road between Alfriston Road and Walters Road, and at Popes Road between Takaanini School Road and Porchester Road, for traffic lanes, active mode facilities and intersection upgrades,” deputy local board chair Jan Robinson says. 

“We have specifically asked for protection for notable trees and structures of significance as part of any planning work.”  

The board wants protection for: 

  • Phoenix palm and the tōtara near the Cenotaph

  • trees within Central Park along the edge of Opaheke Road

  • trees outside the veterinary practice on Beach Road

  • grassy mounds and flagpole on Great South Road / Settlement Road corner.

“We have also asked that the whole of Great South Road from the Takaanini interchange to Drury be designated to ensure a multi-modal transport corridor is protected, and to ensure an off-road walking and cycling lane is taken into account,” Robinson adds. 

“One of the other notices concerns Great South Road between Manukau and Drury, to provide bus priority measures, active mode facilities such as cycling and walking, and intersection upgrades. 

“Another relates to an area between Waihoehoe Rd and the State Highway 1 / Drury Interchange to provide general traffic lanes, active modes and intersection upgrades, and a third relates only to Manurewa.” 

Local Board chair Brent Catchpole was appointed to speak to the board views at any hearing. 

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