Single Data Return submission dates

Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 29 March 2023
Last updated 29 March 2023



All tertiary education organisations (TEOs) that receive Delivery at Levels 1–10 on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework, including Youth Guarantee (YG), and/or that have students with student loans or allowances, need to complete an SDR three times a year.
All tertiary education organisations (TEOs) that receive Delivery at Levels 1–10 on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework, including Youth Guarantee (YG), and/or that have students with student loans or allowances, need to complete an SDR three times a year.

Return date*

Extract date**

SDR description

10th Wednesdayof the year

1 March

Indicative Enrolment Collection
All valid enrolments, even though some of the students may be entitled to withdraw or change without penalty.

17–29 April

15 April

April SDR
Student, course enrolment, and course register files for all learners enrolled in the current year.
Course completion file
Qualification completion file

8–21 August

7 August

August SDR
Student, course enrolment, and course register files for all learners enrolled in the current year.
Course completion file
Qualification completion file

1–31 Januaryfollowing year

31 December

December SDR
Student, course enrolment, and course register files for all learners enrolled in the current year including:
Forecast EFTS units for the following year and up to the next three years
Course completion file
Qualification completion file

1–31 Januaryfollowing year

31 December

Workforce questionnaire
Staff return for staff employed over the current year. Staff returns must be uploaded before you submit the December SDR.

* The return date is the date by which you must submit your SDR files to the Ministry of Education.
** The extract date is the reporting date ─ the date on which data is extracted from your Student Management System (SMS).

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