Daily progress for Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Source: New Zealand Parliament

Order Paper for Tuesday, 19 December 2023


Members sworn

Hon James Shaw and Nancy Lu made the Affirmation of Allegiance.

Introduction of bills

The New Zealand Bill of Rights (Right to Sustainable Environment) Amendment Bill was introduced.

Oral questions

Twelve questions to Ministers were answered.

Government motion

A motion regarding the membership of the Parliamentary Service Commission was agreed to.

Debate on the Address in Reply

The debate on the Address in Reply was adjourned with 5 hours 25 minutes remaining.


A motion to accord urgency to the following business was agreed to:

  • the passing through all remaining stages of:
    • the Secondary Legislation Confirmation Bill (No 2); and
    • the Employment Relations (Trial Periods) Amendment Bill; and
  • the introduction and passing through all stages of:
    • the Resource Management (Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning Repeal and Interim Fast-track Consenting) Bill; and
    • the Taxation Principles Reporting Act Repeal Bill.

Government business

The Secondary Legislation Confirmation Bill (No 2) was read a second time.

The Secondary Legislation Confirmation Bill (No 2) was read a third time.

The Resource Management (Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning Repeal and Interim Fast-track Consenting) Bill was read a first time.

The debate on the second reading of the Resource Management (Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning Repeal and Interim Fast-track Consenting) Bill was interrupted.

Maiden statements

Greg Fleming made his maiden statement.

Suze Redmayne made her maiden statement.

Hamish Campbell made his maiden statement.

Government business—continued

The Resource Management (Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning Repeal and Interim Fast-track Consenting) Bill was read a second time.

The committee stage of the Resource Management (Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning Repeal and Interim Fast-track Consenting) Bill was interrupted during the debate on Part 2.


The sitting was suspended at 10.01 pm and will resume at 9.00 am on Wednesday, 20 December 2023.