Manurewa provides transport feedback

Source: Auckland Council

Building a frequent transport network for the south has seen notices of requirement issued by Waka Kotahi and Auckland Transport for parcels of land along Gt South Rd. 

Manurewa Local Board chair Glenn Murphy says the board has provided extensive feedback after being asked for its input around four notices, which include an area near Anderson Park.

“The first relates to an area of Gt South Road within Manurewa and our initial response is that impacted local homeowners and businesses are supported to relocate. It must be incredibly difficult to receive a notice that your property is going to be required,” he says. 

“We are talking about family homes that represent most people’s biggest financial investment, but which also house precious memories.” 

The board expressed a view the time available to provide feedback was limited and says while the locations are clear, what the land might be used for was not as clearcut. 

“We support improved transport options and see the merit of the network, and we’d urge Supporting Growth to work alongside Eke Panuku around planting and restoration for the Puhinui Stream, and that significant trees at Anderson Park be protected. 

“We are also concerned about noise and pollution for residents who find themselves closer to the road, and were surprised to see Te Mahia station described as being an undesirable pedestrian environment when we’ve invested $3 million improving access.” 

The board deferred to Papakura Local Board on the second notice of requirement because the sites were in its area. 

But the third area relates to Weymouth and Alfriston, where Murphy says the board was concerned it was unclear if the NIMT bridge – the railway overbridge at Te Mahia – would be widened or reconfigured. 

“We support the intent to work on integrating the town centre, particularly around including active pathways, but we would also ask for clarity around stormwater and landscape impacts at Gallaher Park.” 

The final notice of requirement centred around Porchester and Popes roads in neighbouring Takaanini, and the board has appointed member Matt Winiata, who takes over as board chair in April, to speak at a hearing on the notices of requirement. 

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