Board raises wastewater plant concerns

Source: Auckland Council

Auckland Council’s Plans and Places team has been acknowledged for launching a ‘friend of the submitter’ process to enable the community to give feedback that reflects its concerns.

Franklin Local Board chair Angela Fulljames says the process was launched in response to plans for a new wastewater treatment plant at Glenbrook Beach. 

Presenting the board’s views on notices of requirement for the project, Fulljames also acknowledged the plant had raised community concerns. 

“As a board we have declined the opportunity to appoint a board member to speak to our views at a hearing, if any is held, instead sending a formal resolution. 

“That resolution acknowledges community concerns about the location in terms of visual amenity, noise and odour, and calls on Watercare to address that carefully. 

“But we also have to note that the new plant will replace three old ones with a facility that has modern technology and is future-proofed for growth.” 

She says board members are aware of varying local opinions on the suitability of the site, but the process around notices of requirement can only consider if sufficient alternatives have been investigated thoroughly. 

“Matters raised through consultation such as discharge consent, road damage, traffic over the construction period and the location of any pipeline are outside the scope of this process. 

“However, as a board we have recommended Watercare continue to progress plans for those elements while making every effort to limit the impact on the local community. 

“We have also noted the site has highly-productive land as per the Unitary Plan and that needs to be factored into any assessment, especially when other developments have been denied because of it. 

“It certainly makes sense to consider community suggestions on effective buffers where that doesn’t create unreasonable issues.” 

Member Alan Cole took no part in discussions or voting

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