Source: Tertiary Education Commission
Last updated 20 November 2017
Last updated 20 November 2017
The National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence (the Centre) works with tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
The National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence (the Centre) works with tertiary education organisations (TEOs) to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning.
The NCTTE Fund
The fund provides $3.556 million (ex GST) per year to deliver a National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence that works in partnership with TEOs to:
build teaching capability of TEOs and educators
commission and conduct research, monitoring and evaluation about effective teaching
provide associated advice to the sector and government agencies
administer the Tertiary Teaching Awards.
The Centre covers the entire tertiary education system (including Vocational Education and Training), across all subsectors and NZQCF levels.
A refreshed Centre that responds to sector changes
The NCTTE fund was established in 2004, but recent changes in New Zealand’s tertiary education system have altered the landscape substantially. Changes like the reform of vocational education (RoVE), Te Pūkenga, Ōritetanga Learner Success, and the unified funding system (UFS) have created new opportunities.
TEC sought a host that would refresh the Centre to address these opportunities.
In 2023, we invited proposals from TEOs to host the National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence from 1 July 2023. The host receives the NCTTE Fund as off-plan funding.
The new host
The chosen host is a consortium of three TEOs: Massey University, Te Pūkenga and Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
More information
TEC awards National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence Fund to consortium of three TEOs | Tertiary Education Commission