Repealing smoke-free legislation huge step backwards for schools and students

Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)

“We wholeheartedly support the protest being held today against the repeal of this law.

Scrapping legislation such as this takes Aotearoa New Zealand from being a world leader to a lemming.

“The impacts of smoking and vaping in schools are persistent and require significant resources to address. The promise of a smokefree generation was a tangible example of social and health issues being sorted at a community level rather than being left for schools to try and manage. Repealing the legislation is a regressive step for schools and students.

“Actions speak so much louder than words. Scrapping this legislation, which was going to save up to 5000 lives each year, tells us clearly that the health and future of New Zealanders is not a priority for this government. Doing away with this ground-breaking law, as a short term fix to fund tax cuts that will not make a difference and that Aotearoa New Zealand can simply not afford, is an utter disgrace.”