Source: Auckland Council
In partnership with Rodney, Kaipātiki, and Devonport-Takapuna local boards, the Recovery Office has recently boosted its engagement with communities across north Auckland areas affected by the severe storm events earlier this year. This has included hosting successful drop-in events in Milford and Glenfield, and community meetings for affected residents to increase advocacy for local storm recovery solutions.
There are many people impacted by the weather events right across the north – from rural Rodney through to more urbanised parts of the North Shore – with clusters of affected people in specific communities like Milford and Puhoi, for example.
“Now that many of our critical policy and funding foundations are in place, we’re stepping up our efforts to support recovery in the north – and more widely across Tamaki Makaurau,” says Recovery Office Group Recovery Manager, Mat Tucker.
“It’s encouraging to see rich community partnerships forming in North Auckland so that these communities can advocate and plan for their unique recovery needs. There is still a lot of work to do but having our dedicated storm recovery liaison at the coalface of community-level recovery, and our local navigators supporting individual recovery, is making a huge difference.”
Storm recovery liaison for the north Kelly Hamilton says: “I am continually inspired by the spirit and resilience of the north communities, each with their own complex issues. From the isolation many of our affected rural folk experienced post storms, cluster groups of damage and a mix of damage from both landslides and flooding, I am amazed that despite this, these communities continue to band together to ensure they support each other through this time.”
Kelly says she was really encouraged by the outcome of recent community meetings: “For example, we recently met with an impacted community group on the North Shore, to ensure their voice is being heard by council and they are receiving the support they need to navigate the recovery process.”
Kelly and her colleagues are committed to sharing the recovery journey with the communities they serve as we head towards 2024. “I experienced flooding in the storms myself, so I’m quite personally invested in the recovery,” says Kelly. “If any community group wants to get in touch with me, please see my contact details at the bottom of the story.”
Storm recovery liaison for the north Kelly Hamilton
Upcoming drop-in event
The Recovery Office will be holding further drop-in events across North Auckland in the new year for any individuals, families and whānau who’ve been affected by the flood and landslides earlier this year in any way and need support.
Please keep an eye out for these on OurAuckland.
We’re very much looking forward to meeting with you then.
If you need support
If you’re in need of any kind of social and wellbeing support, we’re here to support you. A range of free support is available to you, including support with processing home insurance claims, rates relief, temporary accommodation assistance and wider financial and mental health support.
Find out more here.
Kelly Hamilton’s email