Development News – EPA seeks views on proposed changes to information required from hazardous substance importers and manufacturers

Source: Environmental Protection Authority

Changes being proposed to the Hazardous Substances (Importers and Manufacturers) Notice 2015 are aimed at improving how hazardous chemicals, including pesticides, fumigants and antifouling paints, are managed.
They include requiring importers and manufacturers of certain chemicals to report on the quantities they have imported or manufactured.
This follows a recommendation in the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s 2022 report Knowing what’s out there: Regulating the environmental fate of chemicals that the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) collate, collect and report on the quantity and use of chemicals. Currently, this information is not required by the EPA.
Other proposed changes include all importers and manufacturers being required to provide their New Zealand Business Number, HSNO approval number and/or the name of the group standard approval for the chemicals they are importing or manufacturing. This information would help the EPA better understand the hazardous substances being imported and manufactured in New Zealand.
“This information would also help us keep businesses updated with important information about hazardous substance rules,” says Dr Chris Hill, General Manager of Hazardous Substances and New Organisms.
The EPA proposes that manufacturers of explosives provide the same level of information as required for imported explosives, and that multi-shipment certificates may be possible for approved explosives imported into New Zealand.
“These proposed changes to the Importers and Manufacturers Notice will affect all chemical importers and manufacturers,” says Dr Hill. “It is important they take the opportunity to make a submission. We are also keen to hear from anyone with an interest in chemical management in New Zealand.”
Submissions close at 5:00pm on Thursday 28 March 2024.