Employment News – Weather forecasters and others at NIWA take strike action – PSA

Source: PSA

Climate scientists and technicians including, marine and freshwater biologists, geologists, ocean ecologists and other support staff at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) have gone on strike to push for an improved offer for their collective agreement.
“In our view NIWA has acted in bad faith over these negotiations,” said Duane Leo, National Secretary for the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi.
He said this included delaying communications, refusing to provide remuneration data as requested, and offering health insurance to non-union members in attempts to undermine union membership in the workplace. The PSA has responded to this by filing a claim with the Employment Relations Authority.
“The PSA has made it clear to NIWA that we will not tolerate bad faith tactics. We’re disappointed that NIWA cannot come to the bargaining table with the best interests of its workers in mind.
“With extreme weather events becoming more and more frequent, threatening our biodiversity, ngā taonga, and communities, workers at NIWA are critical to the way Aotearoa New Zealand responds to and prepares for these events.
“Our members deserve to be compensated fairly, especially at a time where the cost of living is such a burden. We look forward to NIWA coming to the bargaining table in a constructive way to resolve the negotiations,” said Duane Leo.
The strike began today (Monday 11 December 2023) at 8am, and if no progress has been made, will continue until 5pm Wednesday 31 January 2024.