Te Haumanu Taiao – restoring the natural environment in Tāmaki Makaurau

Source: Auckland Council

Looking to carry out some ecological restoration in your local community and don’t know where to begin?

Help is here!

Auckland Council’s environmental services team and Ngā Iwi Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau (the many tribes of the Auckland region) have in partnership, created a guide in to empower anyone undertaking ecological restoration mahi in Tāmaki Makaurau. 
Te Haumanu Taiao: Restoring the natural environment in Tāmaki Makaurau supports Aucklanders to achieve their ecological restoration goals to enable the indigenous biodiversity of the region to heal and flourish.

This restoration guide complements the Indigenous terrestrial and wetland ecosystems of Auckland that describe the ecosystems occurring in the region. It provides best practice guidance on restoring each of these ecosystems plus information on how to begin, plan and monitor a project. 

The resource covers mana whenua perspectives on restoration, including kaitiakitanga and how to engage and collaborate to bring valuable knowledge and a partnership approach to conservation. It provides best practice guidance on restoring each ecosystem, plus information on how to begin, plan, and monitor projects. Included is a specially crafted karakia anyone can use for activities consistent with the purpose of the resource.

Auckland Council’s Chair of the Planning, Environment and Parks Committee Councillor Richard Hills says, “Working alongside communities, we have an opportunity and responsibility to activate Te Haumanu Taiao, in partnership with mana whenua, to allow the biodiversity of Tāmaki Makaurau to thrive.”

Hokimai-Anahera Rosieur (Ngāti Manuhiri) created ‘Te Haumanu’ the bird design that is symbolic of the role of kaitiaki and kaitiakitanga and had this to say about the resource:

“Kua eke te wā, me noho mātāmua ko te whakaaro nui ki te Taiao i ngā mahi katoa “no longer will things happen without consideration of the impact within te taiao.” 

At the acknowledgment hui with mana whenua, Gavin Anderson (Ngaati Whanaunga) spoke of the document being one of historical significance where mana whenua and the council have worked together to set a pathway forward to protect and restore te taiao, and this partnered approach sets a precedence for future work with mana whenua across the council.

The manual can be downloaded here