Daily progress for Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Source: New Zealand Parliament

Order Paper for Wednesday, 6 December 2023


Confirmation of Speaker

Rt Hon Gerry Brownlee reported to the House that on Tuesday, 5 December 2023, Her Excellency the Governor-General Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro had approved his election as Speaker and had confirmed all the rights and privileges of the House of Representatives which have ever been granted.

Authority to Administer Oath

The Speaker read the authorisation for him to administer the oath or affirmation of allegiance.

Resignation of Member

The Speaker informed the House that Hon Andrew Little has resigned his seat in the House with effect at 6pm on 5 December 2023.


Hon Tama Potaka delivered a mihi.

Summons to attend Her Excellency the Governor-General

Black Rod delivered a summons to the House of Representatives to attend Her Excellency the Governor-General in the Legislative Council Chamber. Members went in a procession to the Legislative Council Chamber to hear the Speech from the Throne.