Whakamaua Quantitative Dashboard: Year Three

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health


The quantitative measures presented in this report are designed to provide a broad view of the current state of system performance against our four objectives, rather than to reflect progress on any individual action in Whakamaua. Achieving these objectives will make a significant contribution to realising the plan’s high-level outcomes for Māori health and wellbeing.

It will take time for the large system changes needed to occur to meet our four objectives, so the measures in this report do not yet reflect the system changes we are expecting as a result of the actions in Whakamaua. These measures were selected to provide our initial baseline because they are relevant, technically reliable, and because the data is already available in the health and disability system. This means we will be able to report on these measures regularly over the period of the plan, so changes can be measured over time and trends can be shown.

Objectives and measures

  • Accelerate and spread the delivery of kaupapa Māori and whānau-centred services. 
    • 1.1 Funding received by kaupapa Māori health and disability service providers 
    • 1.2 Geographical coverage and utilisation of rongoā Māori services 
    • 1.3 The percentage of Māori reporting unmet need for primary health care 
  • Shift cultural and social norms.
    • 2.1 Experience of health services as measured by the primary health care and adult inpatient patient experience surveys
    • 2.2 Missed appointments for Māori at outpatient services (first specialist appointments) at DHBs
    • 2.3 Percentage of Māori in the regulated workforce compared with the percentage of Māori in the population.
  • Reduce health inequities and health loss for Māori.
    • 3.1 Rates of ambulatory sensitive hospitalisations (ASH) for Māori aged 0–4-years
    • 3.2 Māori young people able to access specialist mental health or addiction services in a timely manner (within three weeks from referral) 
    • 3.3 Rate of diabetes complications (ie limb amputations and renal failure).
  • Strengthen system accountability settings
    • 4.1 Measures of the health of Māori/Crown partnerships
    • 4.2 Number of kaupapa Māori research proposals receiving ethics approval that focus on Māori health and disability
    • 4.3 Number of Māori in leadership and governance roles across the Ministry, DHBs and health sector Crown entities
    • 4.4 Standardised acute bed days per capita for Māori.

Changes in measures

The 2023 publication of the Whakamaua insights are disaggregated by Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards (IMPB) to show the regional distribution of health outcomes instead of Districts as previously published. This is the first-time health statistics have been published by IMPB, which also required the use of the Health Service Utilisation population as the denominator due to the new boundary definitions. 

A review of the measure of diabetes complications resulted in this measure changing from primary-diagnosis diabetes related hospitalisations only to primary and secondary-diagnosis diabetes related hospitalisations. The dashboard provides adjusted insights for previous years to enable consistent comparisons over time.