Health News – Hāpai Te Hauora Leads the Charge for Safe Sleep Practices on Te Ra Mokopuna Ora – Safe Sleep Day

Source: Hapai Te Hauora

As Aotearoa prepares to observe Safe Sleep Day – Te Ra Mokopuna Ora on December 1st, Hāpai Te Hauora issues an urgent call to action to address safe sleep practices for infants. The reality of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) is babies losing their lives due to preventable causes during sleep.
Hāpai emphasises the need for Smokefree environments surrounding newborns and their mothers. Fay Selby-Law the General Manager for the National SUDI Prevention Coordination Service at Hāpai Te Hauora states “Overwhelming evidence supports that eliminating smoking stands as an important shield against SUDI. Being Smokefree ensures optimal breathing for the baby and sustains the health of both mother and child”. Selby-Law continues  “Babies in Aotearoa need protection, and Hāpai advocates and supports Smokefree environments within families, homes, and vehicles.”
The awareness and engagement of communities help advance safe sleeping practices. Communities have pioneered more effective solutions, particularly in engaging with Māori mothers, improving the well-being of infants in Aotearoa. One such culturally appropriate solution is the wahakura – safe sleep bed’s woven from traditional māori materials.
On Te Ra Mokopuna Ora 2023, Hāpai Te Hauora ext