Source: ANZ statements
ANZ’s Chief Executive Officer Shayne Elliott said: “Over the past year we’ve seen a 54% increase in the number of people signing up to our flagship financial education program, MoneyMinded, a return to pre-pandemic participation numbers.
“Improving the financial wellbeing of people and communities is core to our strategy at ANZ, and it was great to see participants had a particular interest in developing good savings habits and setting financial goals.
“For more than 20 years, MoneyMinded has given us the opportunity to provide trusted financial education resources to community workers and financial counsellors enabling them to support participants from low income and disadvantaged communities in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Pacific – something we’re very proud of,” Mr Elliott said.
MoneyMinded is delivered in collaboration with community partners including Berry Street, Brotherhood of St Laurence, and The Smith Family.
“Our community partners are key to the delivery of this program. We’re grateful to the thousands of MoneyMinded coaches across the region who are using MoneyMinded everyday to help improve the financial wellbeing of their clients,” Mr Elliott said.
Highlights from the 2023 MoneyMinded Impact report include:
- 83,974 people used the MoneyMinded program in the past 12 months (1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023) with 65,720 people across Australia and the Asia Pacific region and 18,254 in New Zealand.
- This is an increase in total participants from 54,624 in 2022 and 64,011 in 2021, marking a return to pre-pandemic levels of delivery.
- 74.8% of MoneyMinded’s Australian participants were women. In New Zealand, Asia and the Pacific combined, just over half (53.6%) were women.
- Roughly one-in-three (32.3%) Australian participants were sole parents. The majority of participants in New Zealand were young adults (88.5%) and 42.8% were seasonal workers is Asia and the Pacific.
- More than 4700 people participated in the MoneyBusiness program, an adaptation of MoneyMinded which aims to help build the money skills and confidence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
- Victims and survivors of family violence made up a significant proportion of participants (11.6%) in Australia following the re-launch of the MoneyMinded for family violence program in 2022.
Download a full copy of the latest MoneyMinded report and read how the financial education program has made a lasting impact in communities across the Asia Pacific region here.
For more information on the program visit