Domestic Transport Costs and Charges Study Reports

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Transport
Domestic Transport Costs and Charges Study Reports | Ministry of Transport

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The Domestic Transport Costs and Charges Study aims to improve our understanding of the costs of providing and using the New Zealand transport system. It is a socio-economic and financial appraisal of the domestic transport sector (as it was in 2018/19, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic). It looks at the the movement of people and freight on our roads (private vehicles and public transport, walking and cycling, truck transport), by rail (freight movements, urban and longer distance passenger movements) and on water-borne transport services (urban and inter-island ferries).

The study was undertaken for Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport by a consultant consortium led by Ian Wallis Associates Ltd. It aims to better inform policy decisions in the transport and related sectors, including problem definition, interventions and assessment of impacts. 

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Domestic Transport Costs and Charges Study – annual research

Due to the complexity and the amount of the work involved to collect, process and analyse the data, the next full update of the costs and charges information would be at least 5 years away. However, Te Manatū Waka is committed to carrying out annual research to fill any costs and charges information gaps identified to-date. Listed below are two DTCC annual research completed for 2022/23.

DTCC Study Working Papers

Annual Research